Wow! It has been 2 months since the last time I put up an entry. The longest interval so far. I guess~~~ (~__~)"
Here goes~
Coming into the office this morning, I started my day with flipping through the newspapers. Just to find some catchy headlines that would actually capture my attention. Then, I came up upon this article from Berita Harian newspaper:
Going through the article, I can't help but to agree to the writer's points on why some people find it hard to converse in English as I myself feel the same way. Especially on the first point - Fear of making mistakes.
Around July last year, I went to this 3-days-course on Effective Writing Skills. (referring to this)
At about the same time, I also went to a 3-days-course on Effective
Speaking Skills. I was actually trying to improve my communication skills in English. During Effective Writing Skills course, we were emphasized on using the correct words and grammar. But during Effective Speaking Skills, we were then taught that in order to improve our communications in English, we can actually ignore the grammatical errors that we made along the way. How can that be? *confuse*
Being the person that I am, I find it really hard to converse without using the correct grammar as I grew up learning the importance of grammars and have been trying my best to avoid grammatical errors, be it in writing or communicating. So, I ended up preferring to keep my mouth shut rather than conversing with bad grammars.
Back to the article - going through the ways to counter the factors, I was actually drawn to the fifth point on keeping a journal or diary. Come to think of it, I already have that medium - My Blog ( I know I can express better in writings rather than conversing. Now, why didn't I fully utilize it.*a knock on my head*
That is how I got the idea to put up this new entry. So, from now onwards, I'll try my best to post new entries whenever I can as a learning process. I'll be going for an almost-7-months course starting this October --> Diploma Pentadbiran Awam. Hopefully, I can steal some times to write some entries along the way. Regarding my journey.*crossing fingers*
I guess, that is all for now.
XOXO ~~~ <3
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