A BIG *SIGH*.... (+__+)
Belum apa2 dah mengeluh... *sigh*.... suka buat orang semak kepala.
For the last 2 days, I have been going to a course on Preparing Cabinet Papers. We have a one-day-break today due to the cabinet sitting every Wednesday. Will continue tomorrow-final day. An interesting one indeed.
Judging by the topic, one might think it would turn out to be dull. But then, it proves otherwise. At one point, I even consider seeing myself working under that department; BKPP-Bahagian Kabinet, Perlembagaan dan Perhubungan antara Kerajaan under Jabatan Perdana Menteri. Sounds glamorous huh? Might be. But, one important thing before considering doing that. One might have lesser time to socialize. Staying back until late at night is common. Weekend stay at the office is also common. (^__^) For me, I don't mind that much I guess since I don't socialize much. It doesn't affect me much. Plus, I don't have any commitment yet.
OK, main topic.
Checking into the office today, my staff greeted me with an annoying news. Our Secretary General complained in the Management Meeting, saying that Finance Department is always late in processing local orders for Bahagian Khidmat Pengurusan(BKP). Wut da heck???? Kurang ajar betullah orang2 kat BKP nih - x berani mengaku kesilapan sendiri. Dorang yang lambat apply, kitorang pulak yang kena. Teruk betullah. Suka buat dajal kat orang. KO TENGOK JE LA NANTI!!! Tahun depan, sila proses LO sendiri yek. Segala perlanggaran pekeliling, kesilapan kod, etc......SILALAH TANGGUNG SENDIRI DENGAN RELA HATI.
NO MORE BANTUAN DARI WE OLSZ...... OK! Audit masuk, jawab sendiri. SPRM masuk, jawab sendiri. Nak masuk lokap, masuk sorang2.
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