Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Lara Lagi....

Hanya sampai di sini sahaja
Kisah cinta kita berdua
Tiada daya selamanya
Terhenti di sini

Biar ku pujuk hati ini
Merawat rinduku sendiri
Setelah aku kau lukai
Sedangkan kau tahu

Kasih aku hanyalah untukmu
Tiada lain dalam diriku
Takkan berubah
Walau dipisah laut biru

Cinta aku hanyalah untukmu
Tak pernah goyah
Tak pernah jemu
Takkan terpadam dalam hatiku
Ia milikmu.. percayalah

Mungkin sudah suratan kita
Terpisah sebegini saja
Pasti di suatu hari nanti
Ku jejak bahagia...

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Trip US?

Adoi.... Dah seminggu. Gambar pun x upload dalam PC lagik. Entah bila baru boleh buat entry nyer. Tunggu la seminggu lagi. Hehe....

Ombak Rindu The Movie

OK. Seriously, lepas tengok citer dia kat Mid Valley semalam, my feedback is suam-suam kuku jek. Xdela gempak mana sangat pun. Sempat la air mata bergenang. Xdela sampai tahap mengalir.

Overall OK. Cumanya, masih ada ruang utk ditambah baik. A lot actually. Several here and there. Not so much on the acting. But, mostly on the plots. But then, nak buat macamana. Cerita
1 buku nak dimuatkan dalam satu movie. Memang mencabar la. And of course ada scene yang akan tercicir.

Dari segi lakonan, Aaron macam ok. Kalau Lisa, watak dia sepatutnya watak malang yang kita akan rasa simpati sebab cintanya yang tak berbalas. Tapi, boleh kata most of the time dia tunjuk ekspresi marah. Macam nak pukul orang pun ada. Nak rasa simpati pun x jadi hanya disebabkab ekspresi yang ditonjolkan. Yang part Maya, seriously I need to read the novel to understand her. Sebab macam ada yang tak kena. Cuma susah nak diterangkan.

So, berapa markah nak bagi? 7/10 je la kot. ^_^ Macam nak bagi 8. Takpela. Cukuplah 7 tu.

Watch lover

I love collecting watches. Especially from the brand Fossil. During my US trip alone, I bought 13 watches from several brands. Only 4 of it are mine. Where did I pick up that hobby? From my parents of course. ^_^ They have their own collection of watches too...and counting.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Today's Quote

" Cukup Sampai Di Sini "

Empty Wednesday

Today Dato' Bala will be back from his holiday in Seattle. The report for US visits haven't been done yet. In fact, not even started yet. I am supposed to have completed it by the time he gets back. So little time, so many work to do. The work that should have been completed while I was away haven't been done yet. Most of it. So, now I have to take over. Complicated. ;-(

Thank goodness he will be taking a day off for tomorrow. Hopefully he will. Plus, hopefully I will be able to complete that report by tomorrow. +_+

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Ombak Rindu

Belum tengok movie, tapi dah jatuh cinta dengan lagu dia..... >__<

Ombak Rindu – Hafiz & Adira

Tuhan tolong lembutkan hati dia
Untuk terima ku seadanya
Kerna ku tak sanggup
Kerna ku tak mampu
Hidup tanpa dia di sisiku

Tuhan aku tahu banyak dosaku
Hanya ingat Kamu kala dukaku
Namun hanya Kamu yang mampu membuka
Pintu hatinya ‘tuk cintaku

Malam kau bawalah rinduku
Untuk dirinya yang jauh dariku
Agar dia tidak kesepian
Selalu rasa ada cinta agung

Hujan bawa air mataku
Yang mengalir membasuh lukaku
Agar dia tahu ku tersiksa
Tanpa cinta dia di hatiku

Hanya mampu berserah
Moga cahaya tiba nanti

Tuhan tolong lembutkan hati dia
Untuk terima ku seadanya

Kerna ku tak sanggup
Kerna ku tak mampu
Hidup tanpa dia di sisiku

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Back in Malaysia

Yeay!!! After 2 weeks of being abroad, I am finally home. Feels great sleeping in my own bed. Well, it is actually my sis. I don't sleep in my own room. ^_^

Can't wait to make an entry about my trip. Maybe not now. Will have to use the computer for that one. Easier to upload the pics. Btw, I am currently using my IP4.

Thank goodness I don't have jet-lag(not sure whether the spelling is correct). Not here at least. But, I do experience that back in US. Waking up at 2-4am daily and feeling sleepy while on a shopping spree in the evening. A tiring one I must say.

If only I have more money and bigger bags..... ^_^

Friday, November 18, 2011


Alhamdulillah x mengantuk sangat. Walaupun pagi tadi terbangun a bit lambat. Hehe...kesan tidur pukul 2.30am sebab packing barang for US trip. Awal-awal tak nak kemas. ^__^

Nasib baik traffic agak clear pagi nih.

Rasa teruja? Dah terasa sikit. 10% je kot. Hehe....Datang office nak settle keje sikit. Maybe nak minta kebenaran bos balik awal sikit nanti. Nak bersiap. By 7.30pm dah kena keluar rumah.

Hopefully, segalanya berjalan lancar hari ni. Nak settlekan sebanyak mungkin kerja yang ada. ^__^

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Entry kali nih tentang passport.

How ignorance am I - baru tersedar (+__+)

Nasib baiklah pergi Singapore aritu. Kalau x, mesti still xtau yang passport kena valid for 6 month untuk travel. Dah la Jumaat malam nih dah nak fly ke US. Tak pasal2 je tersangkut kat airport, gara2 passport nak expire in less than 2 month. Huhu... Thank you Allah for making me realize it...

Then, nasib baik jugak ada kenalan kat Imigresen. Puan Regeswary namanya. Kenal masa pergi Kursus Kewangan di INTAN Bukit Kiara in 2009. Tersangatlah baik dan friendly orangnya. Renew passport in about 15 minutes jek.  *terharu*

Yang x bestnya, x pasal2 kena bawak 2 passport ke sana. Sebab visa dalam passport lama. Padan muka sendiri. Tadi dah kena marah dengan bos sebab cuai. (Y__Y)

Xpela bos. Dah settle pun. Alhamdulillah.

*BTW, no. passport baru tak cantik.*

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Di awangan...

Sekarang dah pukul 7.05pm..........(kat opis lagi)

Tadi baru sudah meeting JKSH. Lepas tu ada perbincangan ttg sebut harga yang perlu selesaikan by 2011. (+__+) Banyaknya.......................................................................

Tiba2 boleh hilang fokus. Fikiran dah melayang. Banyaknya kerja nak kena settle dalam minggu nih.

Sabtu ni (0000hrs) nak berlepas ke US atas urusan rasmi. (Y__Y)

Hati tak tenang. Sepatutnya, by now dah rasa excited giler nak pergi oversea. Fully sponsored pulak tuh. Mana nak dapat lagi peluang macam nih. Jarang2 ada. right, sekarang dah start survey barang2 utk di shopping.

Tadi Dato' Bala kata 70% diri dia dah ada kat sana. Literally speaking. And then, dia tanya orang pulak.

Me? 100% ada dekat opis lagi. Dah lost fikir pasal kerja2 yang semakin banyak. Almaklum la. Akhir tahun. Ini aje la masa yang ada untuk peghabihkan duit peruntukan. Kalau tak habiskan karang, kena potong pulak budget tahun depan.

Yang jadi mangsa sape? Eden jugok. Huhu...Xpela. Dah nama pun SYMP. Positive thinking. Kerja tekun dibalas dengan trip oversea. Hehe....

*Dalam banyak2 benda, ada satu topik yang Zanna lupa nak buat entry kat blog nih. My Baby Forte. Gambar cukup kowt.

Friday, November 11, 2011

All out

Semalam adalah hari meroyan tahap gaban bagi insan bernama Ruzanna Mohd Zaki. Memang all out lah meroyan semalam. Stress punya pasal. Sampai kawan2 pun risau baca status kat FB.

Hehe... thanx you olsz~~~ I know you guys love me so much. Love you olsz jugak~~~ BIG HUG!

Thursday, November 10, 2011


THE BEST JKSH EVER~~~~ *tangan ke bahu, mata ke atas*

14 kertas pertimbangan. Naik juling mata prepare paper. (+__+)  Nasib baik sempat bentang 8 jek yang urgent. Lagi 6 postpone next week sebab ahli JKSH ada hal. Malam nih ada MRTM Deepavali dekat Klang. Fuhh~~~ Mau muntah on da spot kalau continue bentang paper tadi. Mata siap berpinar2. Mulut pulak asek tersasul jek. Penderaan mental. Wekk~~~

Cukuplah untuk hari ni. Otak dah exhausted. Esok sambung lagi.

Keputusan dah dapat, masa untuk buat SST pulak. (+__+)

Saturday, October 29, 2011

ALPHA, Bangi

ALPHA stands for Akademi Latihan Pertahanan Awam. Here is where I am currently having my Lead Camp course.

Today is my first day here. Reached here at about 9am with the rest of team INTIM. We will be here until 4th of November 2011. Tomorrow, we will go out for our camping session that will last for 4 days. Unfortunately, now is the rainy season which will only mean more clothes to bring. ;-(

Just finished with our 1st modul which is introductions on JPAM & HANRUH.

All I can remember is Mr. Q'bert Jon Martin Quadra is SINGLE. Hikhik...>__<

OK. Gambar bawah ni updated post lead camp. Enjoy....walaupun x banyak.

Group 14 Gunung Nuang

Masih fair & lovely

Kelaparan turun Gunung Nuang

Apa jeling2 'Aainaa?

Mihun? Layankan aje.

Prospek peserta  ^__^

Wutt??? Dah gelap?  +__+

Tips terbaik Lead Camp - exchange phone number

Haa...yang kanan sekali tuh En. Q'bert

Sesi rebut 'budak kecik'

Friday, October 28, 2011

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Pre-Lead Camp

Occay~~~~ Sekarang adalah masa yang sesuai untuk menggelabah... (+__+)

Aaaaaa... Omaigod... Omaigod... CEMANER NIH!!!!

X buat preparation lagi, physically and mentally.... *pengsan*

Request dah buat dari 2 minggu lepas tapi x dapat feedback. Ingatkan tak dapat. Sekalinya, lusa dah nak gerak baru tau dapat. *pening* Abes la... confirm kena teruk nanti.... fitness jangan cakap la...memang totally out. Huhu... tekanan luar sedar....

Nak taknak, still kena pergi. Kalau tak nanti, kena join batch lain pulak. mesti x best sebab xde geng. Huhu.... tawakal aje la...*nampak Bintang*

Thursday, October 20, 2011


Mixed feelings....

Relief, because LP & JKSH is already settled for this week
Happy, because my boss wouldn't be bothering me for the time being. At least not until next LP session
Tired, for coming home late at night for these past few days, helping pre- an post- LP
Annoyed, of being accused of being unhelpful when I don't even have enough time to do my own work, but still have to help others. Running here and there. Cracking my head till late at night.
Sad, of how selfish SOME people can be, only thinking of themselves and don't bother about other people.
Angry, for the fact that I was being instructed to help others, but when it comes to their turn, nobody showed up to help me when needed because SOME OF THEM SIMPLY DON'T CARE.

As time passed, it makes me think:

Why do I always bother?
Why should I care?
Why can't I be selfish?
Why.........( never ending )

I guess, the solution is to be ignorance for once. Give them a cold shoulder. Stop being so helpful. Because the end result can actually be stressful. ;-(

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Lagi - Lagi Lagu lalala~~~~

From the first time we met each other
I knew that we'd be together
I saw in your eyes
It's just a matter of time

Don't know if this feels like the real thing
Tell me what to do where do I begin
Don't know where to start
Should I let you in my heart

And all it took was one touch, one kiss
I've never felt love like this
I pray I wish we can have this forever

I told you from the very start
It's always gonna be about us
Just don't go and break my heart
Baby, don't go and break my heart

I knew that we would make it this far
Now nothing's gonna tear us apart
Just don't go and break my heart
Baby, don't go and break my heart

Girl you know that now we're together
I won't leave your side forever
You know that i'm yours
Baby, you're my only girl in the world

Now I have no reason to be alone
Fell in love with you
You are now my home
I'll always be true
I see no one else but you

And all it took was one touch, one kiss
I've never felt love like this
I pray I wish we can have this forever

I told you from the very start
It's always gonna be about us
Just don't go and break my heart
Baby, don't go and break my heart

I knew that we would make it this far
Now nothing's gonna tear us apart
Just don't go and break my heart
Baby, don't go and break my heart

Ain't nothing gonna tear us
Ain't nothing gonna tear us
Ain't nothing gonna tear us apart

Ain't nothing gonna tear us
Ain't nothing gonna tear us
Ain't nothing gonna tear us apart

And all it took was one touch, one kiss
I've never felt love like this
I pray I wish we can have this forever

I told you from the very start
It's always gonna be about us
Just don't go and break my heart
Baby, don't go and break my heart

I knew that we would make it this far
Now nothing's gonna tear us apart
Just don't go and break my heart
Baby, don't go and break my heart

Sunday, October 9, 2011

K.A.R.A.O.K.E & M.E

Occay..... Semalam tak jadi pergi tengok teater muzikal The Secret Life of Nora. Tiket habis. We ended up going to The Mines.

Our original plan was to watch the movie. But then, we switched to karaoke session. We had our dinner at Kenny Rogers beforehand.

Therefore, I can now proudly call myself..... The Karaoke Buddy. ^__^

All thanx to my vocal trainers - Dian, Shawn, Teja, Abe Juras, Adeep, Alan, Abam Kaisan, Comot, Peak O & Yusro.

Kalau selama ni I segan2 nak nyanyi depan they all... Sekarang tak lagi... Hikhik... Memandangkan masih beginner, khidmat backup singer sentiasa diperlukan. >_< Thank god ada Shawn *The Voice* & Teja *The Reflection*.... hikhik

Song choices..... A MUST HAVE - Hijau by Zainal Abidin. Others mostly from the latest hits. Favs - Lady Antebellum 'Need You Now', BSB 'Shape of My Heart', Britney Spears 'Everytime', Christina Perri 'Jar of Hearts', The Band Perry 'If I Die Young & all the latest songs by Demi Lovato, Selena Gomez, etc. But unfortunately, most of the latest songs are not available yet. So, I would end up doing a sing-along to the main singer. Or I would rather say screaming-along. ;-P

That is all about karaoke and me. About teater Nora? Baru pergi tengok petang tadi. OK la. Banyak scene kelakar. Tapi, in da middle tadi, ada rasa mengantuk sikit. Tak tau kenapa. Either penat or bosan sikit. =)

Nowa~ Nowa~ Nowa~~~~~

Saturday, October 8, 2011

GYM-ba Ria...

Yeay!!! Masa untuk berjimba~~~

Fuhh~~~ nasib baik hari ni takde wedding invitation. Bolehlah spend time for myself setelah 2 minggu berhempas pulas buat keje kat opis.

Semalam penat sangat2. Lepas Maghrib kat opis, pergi amek adik kat hostel dia. Terpaksa mintak dia drive sebab badan sakit2. Penat sangat. Even boleh tertido halfway citer Johnny English kat TV3. *__* sedey.... X dapat tgk sampai habis...

So, memandangkan dah tido awal, pagi ni lepas solat Subuh terus rasa x ngantuk. X jadi nak sambung tido seperti biasa. Tetiba teringat pasal gym. Dah berbulan x hit da gym. Dah la bayar dalam RM170 bulan2. Membazir betul.... Patutnya boleh simpan je duit tu buat tambah koleksi kain. Heehee... ^_^

Dengan semangat waja, 7.15am bersiap-siap pergi Fitness First@ Avenue K. Kat gym td, mcm biasa, lari atas treadmill jek sambil layan MTV. Sempat la buat 4KM lebey. Ok la tuh. A well enough comeback.

Abes jek gym session, mandi, bersiap, then terus pg KLCC. Nak beli Boost & Sushi untuk Aina. Sambil2 menunggu order siap, layan eskem melon sorbet dulu. ^_^

Malam ni nak berjimba ria ngan geng2 PTD tgk teater The Secret Life of Nora. Amek tiket yg paling murah jek. Kat upper circle. View situ x cantik. Tapi xpe, yang penting, hang out wif dat crazy circle of frenzs. Before dat, kita sambung keje opis kat umah. Nak tunggu Isnin, lagi bertimbun la jawabnya... ^_^

Thursday, October 6, 2011


Tukar nama lagi... Serius sikit.... ^__^

Tenang sikit rasa tengok layout baru nih....

Monday, October 3, 2011


As time passed... I came to realize that I am a hot-tempered kind of person...

I am easily annoyed... nothing is more important than my job. I hate it when people keep bugging me, even when it involves my own car purchasing... I prefer to do it at my own pace... So, don't urge me or I might as well cancel the deal... Stop bugging me, especially during office hours because it irritates me so much.

Just chillax OK!!!

Monday, September 26, 2011


Arini saya rasa seksi sekali... Aww~~~  ^__^


Bukan physically, tapi suara jek.  ~_~

Dah seminggu batuk2. Batuk kering lak tu. Memang susah la nak baik. Uhuk..uhuk... +__+

Mata pun rasa penat... Sembab... Kepala macam berat sikit... Nasib baiklah x ditambah dengan selesema... Kalau tak, lagi susah la nak fokus buat kerja... Dah la kerja tengah banyak...

PPT (SH) lak pergi kursus... Adoyai...terpaksa bergantung ngan PT jek... Sekali-sekala PPT (LO) tolong buatkan keje yang tertunggak... Banyak sangat dah ni ha... penuh meja... Heehee.... Mekasih Puan Zawiyah...

Walaupun sakit tekak, rutin menyanyi sambil buat keje tetap diteruskan.... ngeee....

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Naik kerja...

A BIG *SIGH*.... (+__+)

Belum apa2 dah mengeluh... *sigh*.... suka buat orang semak kepala.

For the last 2 days, I have been going to a course on Preparing Cabinet Papers. We have a one-day-break today due to the cabinet sitting every Wednesday. Will continue tomorrow-final day. An interesting one indeed.

Judging by the topic, one might think it would turn out to be dull. But then, it proves otherwise. At one point, I even consider seeing myself working under that department; BKPP-Bahagian Kabinet, Perlembagaan dan Perhubungan antara Kerajaan under Jabatan Perdana Menteri. Sounds glamorous huh? Might be. But, one important thing before considering doing that. One might have lesser time to socialize. Staying back until late at night is common. Weekend stay at the office is also common. (^__^) For me, I don't mind that much I guess since I don't socialize much. It doesn't affect me much. Plus, I don't have any commitment yet.

OK, main topic.

Checking into the office today, my staff greeted me with an annoying news. Our Secretary General complained in the Management Meeting, saying that Finance Department is always late in processing local orders for Bahagian Khidmat Pengurusan(BKP). Wut da heck???? Kurang ajar betullah orang2 kat BKP nih - x berani mengaku kesilapan sendiri. Dorang yang lambat apply, kitorang pulak yang kena. Teruk betullah. Suka buat dajal kat orang. KO TENGOK JE LA NANTI!!! Tahun depan, sila proses LO sendiri yek. Segala perlanggaran pekeliling, kesilapan kod, etc......SILALAH TANGGUNG SENDIRI DENGAN RELA HATI.

NO MORE BANTUAN DARI WE OLSZ...... OK! Audit masuk, jawab sendiri. SPRM masuk, jawab sendiri. Nak masuk lokap, masuk sorang2.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The Band Perry - If I Die Young

"If I Die Young"

If I die young, bury me in satin
Lay me down on a, bed of roses
Sink me in the river, at dawn
Send me away with the words of a love song

Uh oh, uh oh

Lord make me a rainbow, I'll shine down on my mother
She'll know I'm safe with you when she stands under my colors, oh and
Life ain't always what you think it ought to be, no
Ain't even grey, but she buries her baby

The sharp knife of a short life, well
I've had just enough time

If I die young, bury me in satin
Lay me down on a bed of roses
Sink me in the river at dawn
Send me away with the words of a love song

The sharp knife of a short life, well
I've had just enough time

And I'll be wearing white, when I come into your kingdom
I'm as green as the ring on my little cold finger,
I've never known the lovin' of a man
But it sure felt nice when he was holding my hand,
There's a boy here in town who says he'll love me forever,
Who would have thought forever could be severed by

The sharp knife of a short life, well,
I've had just enough time

So put on your best boys and I'll wear my pearls
What I never did is done

A penny for my thoughts, oh no, I'll sell them for a dollar
They're worth so much more after I'm a goner
And maybe then you'll hear the words I been singin'
Funny when you're dead how people start listenin'

If I die young, bury me in satin
Lay me down on a bed of roses
Sink me in the river at dawn
Send me away with the words of a love song

Uh oh (uh, oh)
The ballad of a dove (uh, oh)
Go with peace and love
Gather up your tears, keep 'em in your pocket
Save them for a time when you're really gonna need them, oh

The sharp knife of a short life, well
I've had just enough time

So put on your best boys and I'll wear my pearls

Monday, September 12, 2011

Uji Minda

Who Owns The Fish?

Einstein's Intelligence Quiz 
Einstein wrote this quiz last century. He said that 98% of the people in the world cannot solve the quiz. 

There are 5 houses in 5 different colors 
In each house lives a person with a different nationality 
These 5 owners drink a certain type of beverage, smoke a certain brand of cigar, and keep a certain pet 
No owners have the same pet, smoke the same brand of cigar or drink the same drink. 

Here's the question: Who owns the fish? 

The Brit lives in a
The Swede keeps dogs as pets 
The Dane drinks tea 
The green house is on the left of the
white house 
green house owner drinks coffee 
The person who smokes Pall Mall rears birds 
The owner of the
yellow house smokes Dunhill 
The man living in the house right in the middle drinks milk 
The Norwegian lives in the first house 
The man who smokes Blend lives next door to the one who keeps cats. 
The man who keeps horses lives next door to the man who smokes Dunhill 
The owner who smokes Blue Master drinks beer 
The German smokes Prince 
The Norwegian lives next to the
blue house 
The man who smokes Blend has a neighbor who drinks water 

With these 15 clues the problem is solvable.


Bongok punyer brader polis trafik! Haa...kan orang da bengang....huhu....

Hampeh punya orang. Dah la arini sakit2 badan sebab join event MRTM Aidilfitri-Merdeka semalam. Ingat nak amek cuti arini tapi sebab kena hantar 'barang' balik opis, orang redah gak walaupun kepenatan.

Yang paling best, dia bole siap sound 'Xde otak ke?'

Amboih! Kurang ajar pulak pagi2 nih. Aku langgar motor besar tu kang. Ko dah la cikeding. Kena hempap ngan motor tu baru tau. Sesuka hati jek sound orang. Kalo nak block, blocklah sumer orang. Jangan bagi orang lain lalu langsung. Ini tak, ikut suka dia jek. Kalo nak bagi, dia bagi. Kalo nak tahan, dia tahan.

Bukannya susah pun bagi orang lalu kejap. Kereta pun siap ada sticker Kompleks Sultan Abdul Samad. Buta hape? Nak orang lari kemana lagi?

Sorry to say. Takat orang x berbudi bahasa macam tu, jangan harap orang nak hormat. HUH!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Skyscraper by Demi Lovato


Skies are crying, I am watching
Catching teardrops in my hands
Only silence, as its ending, like we never had a chance.
Do you have to make me feel like there’s nothing left of me?

You can take everything I have
You can break everything I am
Like I’m made of glass
Like I’m made of paper
Go on and try to tear me down
I will be rising from the ground
Like a skyscraper, like a skyscraper

As the smoke clears
I awaken and untangle you from me
Would it make you feel better to watch me while I bleed
All my windows still are broken but I’m standing on my feet

You can take everything I have
You can break everything I am
Like I’m made of glass
Like I’m made of paper
Go on and try to tear me down
I will be rising from the ground
Like a skyscraper, like a skyscraper

Go run run run I’m gonna stay right here
Watch you disappear yeah
Go run run run yeah it’s a long way down
But I’m closer to the clouds up here

You can take everything I have
You can break everything I am
Like I’m made of glass
Like I’m made of paper
Go on and try to tear me down
I will be rising from the ground
Like a skyscraper, like a skyscraper
Like a skyscraper, like a skyscraper
Like a skyscraper

Monday, September 5, 2011

SelAMat HarI raYa...

Wee... Salam Aidilfitri to all...

Hari ni first day kerja selepas raya. Malas nak amek cuti extra walaupun baki cuti tahunan masih banyak. Kalau x silap, cuti rehat 25 hari untuk tahun 2011 ni masih belum guna lagi. Habiskan baki cuti 11 hari yang tahun lepas punya dulu. Hohoho...biler la agaknya nak guna cuti tu yek. Nak pergi jenjalan, duit xde. Hutang banyakla. Hehehe... gatal pi beli gelang kat Suzah before raya hari tu. Alamatnyer... setahun baru langsai ler... hehe... nasib baik berhutang dengan papa jek. Takde interest.... fuhh....

Lepas ni nak karang entry pasal raya pulak. Raya kat kampung@Terengganu. Tapi, mungkin tergendala sikit sebab gambar dalam phone belum transfer lagi. Hee.... Nanti2 la yek... (^__^)

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Pagi-pagi Bikin Hot...

Dah la tengah puasa. Buat kurang pahala puasa jek....awal-awal pagi dah menyumpah.... Astaghfirullahalazim.....

Kepada En. X,

Kamu tu dah la mencari rezeki kat tempat orang. Jangan buat orang marah boleh x? Jabatan nih BUKAN BAPAK KAMOO YANG PUNYER!!!!!!!!!!!!! ADA PAHAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

X kesah la kamu tu BFF ngan sesape pun dalam jabatan nih. Jangan la cross da line. Dah la muka x malu, main langgor jek sumer peraturan, pastu nak desak2 ktrg bayar laks. Ada bukti ke ktrg yg arahkan kerja-kerja tu dibuat? Huh? TAKDE KAN????

Agak2 kalo bawak court, sape menang? So, my advice is, jangan menyusahkan orang boley tak? Kalo dah wat keje x ikut law tu, dok diam2 je la. Kasi ktrg settle satu2. Xnak proses baru tau.

Kalau ikut ati, org pergi lapor jek kat MOF tuh. Kasi bleklis. Tapi, kang ktrg yg x bersalah ni jugak yang kena. Ni sumer sebab hang la. HANTU!!!

A-Z Jahit Sulam 2

At da moment tengah menelaah buku nih. Hehehe... cara terbaik memulakan hari yang buhsan. Buku ni baru dipinjam dari library KPKK. Bestnyer la kalau ada kat rumah sekarang nih. Boleh testing2. ^__^

Monday, August 22, 2011

Ramadhan dan Terawih

Hari ini dah masuk 22 Ramadhan. Bermakna dah 22 hari puasa berjaya dilaksanakan.

Solat Terawih? Dengan segannya nak btau, tertinggal 2 hari - malam ke-21 dan 22 sebab berbuka di luar.  Balik lambat sebab lepak2. Then, balik rumah terus lupa. Huhu...

Baki 20 hari lengkap buat kat Surau Al-Ittihadiah berdekatan rumah, kecuali malam ke-19 sebab berbuka kat opis. Balik rumah sampai dalam pukul 9, terus singgah surau. Jemaah baru selesai solat I'sya. Hajat hati nak pinjam telekung surau. Tapi, memandangkan surau dah penuh, terpaksa la batalkan hajat dan buat kat rumah jek. Hukhuk...

Malam ni insyaallah sambung balik. Ada Majlis Berbuka Bersama YBM di Masjid Muhammadi, Angkasapuri. Ekceli taktau nak pergi or x. Rasa2 cam malas jek. Hehe.... Lagi best berbuka kat rumah. Kurang pembaziran. (^__^)

Macam semalam. Berbuka dekat Shogun Restaurant, 1 Utama, banyak jugak la pembaziran. Amek itu sikit, ini sikit, last2 semua x habis. Tamak sangat ikut nafsu. Huhu... Mentang-mentang la x keluar duit sendiri. (+__+)

Dua malam lepas, berbuka dengan Batch SMSS 9903 dekat Restoran Kunyah, Wangsa Walk. Sempat la beli 2 handbag on da way ke restoran tu. Hehe... Kat situ nasib baik la pilihan makanan dia x berapa nak ada. Xde la membazir sangat. Hehe...

Rasa2 macam nak layan double GCB sebelum bulan puasa tamat. Lepas raya nanti, takut dah xde. Macam tahun lepas. Hehehe...papehal, tengok planning malam ni dulu. =P

Thursday, August 18, 2011



Arini muka rasa gatal. Punyalah pelik. Dari pagi macam ni. Rasa x selesa. Then, kawan cakap mungkin sebab muka kering.

Ahah! Betul gak tu. Memang muka kering pun lately nih. Nak nak lagi bulan puasa nih. Dah la kurang minum air. Cuaca pulak panas terik. Tambahan pulak, duduk kat opis nih ngan aircond full blast. Mana la tak terhidrat kulit tu. Dah la malas nak ber-facial bagai... takat ada pencuci muka jek. Nasib baik la x pakai mekap. Kalau x, lagi sensitif kot kulit nih.

Semalam ada surfing blog Hanis Zalikha. Ada terbaca pasal produk SK-II. Baru teringat malam sebelumnya ada terfikir nak guna produk tu untuk lembapkan muka. Cuma xde masa je lagi nak pergi beli. Then, Bani cakap x perlu pun pakai produk2 nih. Takat makan buah-buahan yang tinggi kandungan Vitamin C dah cukup. Tapi, dalam bulan puasa nih macamana nak makan. Kalau makan masa buka puasa nanti, sakit perut pulak masa nak solat terawikh. Dilema betul la...

Arghh...x tahan la kulit nih. Sensitif sangat. Ingatkan nak teruskan aje la plan nak pakai SK-II tu. Tapi, cam mahal jek. Apa lagi produk yang best ek? Yang murah sikit dan berkesan. Malas la nak kaji setiap satu produk. (+__+)

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Sistem oh Sistem...

Penat la buat keje macam nih... asek nak hang aje. Pastu refresh/re-open nak kena repeat steps lak. Adoyai.... Betul-betul tak produktif. Banyak buang masa menunggu aje. *sigh*

I Am - 2nd attempt

This poem is in respond to the acid-splashes cases.

 I Am
I am sensitive and fierce
I wonder why people can be so cruel
I hear people cries
I see them being mistreated
I want to lend a helping hand
I am
sensitive and fierce

I pretend to be a superhero
I feel like I wanna take down all the gambits
I touch my good condition skin
I worry about the future of those victims
I cry thinking of the pain they have to endure
I am
sensitive and fierce

I understand how important it is to feel safe
I say lets unite and make that possible
I dream for this crime to end
I try to make people realize the importance
I hope we can all live together in peace and harmony
I am
sensitive and fierce

Buang Tebiat

SAYA COMEL! So, wut?

Hehe...memang buang tebiat. Ingat nak post kat fesbuk. Tapi....nanti orang kata giler pulak. (^__^)

Sejuk la opis nih. Kalau hari-hari biasa pun rasa sejuk...inikan pulak bulan puasa. Lagi la terasa sejuknya. Bbrrr.....

Almaklum la... tak bole makan... pembakaran tenaga xde.

Hmm...lately nih entry banyak in Malay. Kenapa ek?

Senang sikit nak melalut. (^_____^)  Kalau in English, straight to the point jek.

Tadi baru lepas buang masa baca blog Hanis Zalikha. Saje jek. Bosan. Lepas ni xtau nak buat apa. Arini kerja kurang sikit.

Owh...tengahari nanti nak pergi CM beli kuih batang buruk untuk atuk. Dah alang2 pergi...xkan nak beli kuih tu je kan? Buat penat berjalan jek. Dah la cuaca agak panas. Window shopping occay kut. Rasanya dah berpuluh-puluh kali tawaf CM tuh. Tapi, nak beli rasa cam tak perlu. Haaa....nak tambah koleksi kaftan batik la. (^__^)  Yang murah punya. Tak main yang ratus2 punya. Nak buat tido je kowt...

Apa lagi ek? Clutch raya? Apo laie eh? X payah la. Jumaat ni nak tawaf Jalan Tar laie. Save duit. Hehe.... Hopefully tak panas sangat. Huhu... ~Amin~

Friday, August 12, 2011

Breaking Dawn..........

Luv this. Missed final chapter of Harry Potter in cinema. Will get the boxset for sure. Not gonna miss this one in cinema. Hopefully. (>__<)

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Kambing bergolek, durian tergolek....

Puasa hari ke-10 berbuka dengan PPTD di INTAN Bukit Kiara. Dah la jalan ingat2 lupa. (^__^) Last pergi pun tahun 2009 kalau x silap. Alhamdulillah selamat sampai dalam masa lebey 1/2 jam sebab sangkut jam dekat Jalan Duta....

Sebelum bercerita panjang lebar, ucapan terima kasih ditujukan buat Sham for being a great host. Antara yang hadir adalah as follow:-
1. Peserta ustazah pilihan & pasangan
2. Transformers - jangan main2...transformers pun amek cuti bulan puasa untuk berehat...
3. Imam muda Asyraf Muslim
4. Ustaz Abe dari madrasah......(lupa nak interbiu)
5. Datin berjubah yang dibawa khas dari Thai...
6. Brader -6kg
7. Kembar siam Datin @ future prospect

Turut hadir
1. Pink yang dah x pink (dah transform jadi silver)
2. Teman sekampung transformers
3. Ratu padang pasir...

OK. Enough with the attendees...

Menu utama adalah nasi briyani ayam & daging. Siap ada burung puyuh lagi. Fave 'future prospect'. Hikhik... Akan tetapi....highlight pada malam tu haruslah 'Kambing bergolek' dan 'Durian Tergolek'. Hehehe....sian ustazah....kempunan nak makan daging kambing second round. (^__^)

Peristiwa penting - Imam muda mengimamkan solat Maghrib. (^__^) Tapi, sayangnya I terlepas. Lambat sangat mulanya. Ingatkan solat sendiri2. Huhu.... Tapi xpe, still berjaya menunaikan solat terawikh berjemaah. Alhamdulillah... siap stay back untuk sesi mengecam VVIP lagi...hehe... Kan? Kawan Chawan.....

Akhir kata, urusetia jangan lupa majlis Iftar kita2 yang dibincangkan tu....

Wednesday, August 10, 2011


Semalam berbuka dengan maggi kari. Kenapa? Makanan x cukup?

Taklah.... saje jek. On da way balik rumah, tetiba terasa nak makan maggi. Walaupun, mak & adik2 dah sediakan juadah berbuka - daging kambing masak merah dan patin masak lemak, still rasa nak makan maggi jugak. Hehe... berjaya jugak hilangkan craving....

OK la tuh... sekali-sekala. Arini berbuka kat INTAN Bukit Kiara dengan PPTD. Apa la agaknya menu yang akan dihidang nanti... (^__^)

Lagi-lagi Lupa

Lagi-lagi lupa bawak spec... Mana la tak bertambah power tu... (+__+)

Monday, August 8, 2011

101st Entry

WOW! Sedar tak sedar....rupa-rupanya dah cecah 100 entry. Banyak jugak mengarut dalam masa 7 bulan nih. Huhu....


Rabun.... bukan karya Yasmin Ahmad. Ini rabun dalam erti kata rabun sebenar. Rabun jauh to be precise. Kenapa tiba-tiba cakap pasal rabun? Sebab saya rabun. Hehe...

Permulaan cerita - mula pakai kaca mata on November 2009. Power 25 jek...hehe...

Pertengahan cerita - dah ada 2 kaca mata; satu lagi power 75. Saje buat spare...

Penghujung cerita - sama ada nak tambah power guna kaca mata asal, or beli jek yang baru buat tambah koleksi. Dah sah-sah power naik lagik. Padan muka. Malas sangat nak pakai kaca mata. (+__+)

Kesimpulan cerita - ni sumer keje punya pasal. Banyak sangat mengadap komputer. Tak pasal2 rosak mata. (+__+)

Mungkin nak kena tiru popeye kowt....

Tapi....saya TAK SUKA sayur hijau, esp sawi... kangkung boleh, celery ok, bayam so-so....

Thursday, August 4, 2011


Padan muka. Gatal bersahur dengan puding laici yang sejuk. (~__~)

Menghitung Hari.....(+__+)

Menghitung hari
Detik demi detik
Masa kunanti apakan ada
Jalan cerita kisah yang panjang
Menghitung hari

Padamkan saja kobar asmaramu
Jika putik itu takkan ada
Yang aku minta tulus hatimu
Bukan puitis

Pergi saja cintamu pergi
Bilang saja pada semua
Biar semua tahu adanya
Diri ku kini sendiri

Oh... Pergi saja cintamu pergi
Bilang saja pada semua
Biar semua tahu adanya
Diri ku kini sendiri

Diri ku kini sendiri...

Occay.... seriously mengade2....

Entry kali ni xde kaitan langsung dengan cintan cintun. Yang ada hanyalah..... keberatan hati untuk berpindah ke Putrajaya. Bukan pindah rumah, tapi pindah opis since building KPKK baru dah siap & ready untuk diduduki..... =(

Ekceli, belum betul2 confirm akan pindah. Masih dok main tarik tali which division yang kena pindah. (~_~). Why? Our YBM suka bangunan warisan and he prefers to stay here, at Kompleks Sultan Abdul Samad.

BTW, kenapa berat hati nak pindah? Well.... da main reason is Putrajaya x cukup tempat nak merewang during lunch hour on Friday. Hehe... itu jek. (>__<) 

Forgive & forget

The effort is there. Just forgive & move on.... (^_^)

Monday, August 1, 2011

1 Ramadhan


WOW! Dah lama rupanya x update blog nih... Nasib baik la esok pagi punya meeting dah postpone ke hari Khamis. Boleh la relaks sikit hari ni. Almaklum la... 1st day puasa. (>__<)

Apa cerita terkini? Kenapa x update Blog? Busy..... dalam bulan Julai aje, ada 3 kali kursus (1 kat Langkawi), 1 outstation ke Kedah untuk buat naziran Kewangan & 1 match bola Malaysia vs. Singapore. Match bola tuh 1st time tengok kat stadium. Hehe.... papa pun terkejut bila mama btau org pegi stadium. Nak tengok bola punya pasal....sanggup pergi Pertama Kompleks masa lunch hour semata-mata untuk carik jersey. Nasib baik dapat. Siap tulis nama & my lucky number 11 lagik. (>__<)

Apa yang menarik? Well...ada 1 story ni...kisah semasa kursus 'Effective Speaking Skills'. Satu lagi kursus untuk orang2 yang x reti bercakap. Hehe...I x reti ke? Ekceli bole jek nak speaking tuh. Cuma shy-shy cat & lack of confident. Kalau nak mengarut xde isi no hal. Anytime boleh. (>__<)

Alamak... Mesyuarat esok pagi on balik... (*__*) Sambung nanti....


Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Sapu...sapu...(part 2) (T__T)

(T__T) huhu.... bagus betul lah pakcik nih... walaupun secara luarannya nampak kurang berkemampuan, tapi ilmu dia...TIPTOP...terharu sangat dengar komen dia....


NOT FAIR!! as simple as that.....

Being neutral as I am and based upon the experience of this so called recorded video during my uni-years..... I do agree that the police officers were using too much violence to discharge the crowd. But, it is unfair to put the 100% blame on  them just by judging through this video.

Unless.....the person responsible were brave enough to show the whole length of the video. The uncut version. From beginning till end. An unbiased version.

Friday, July 8, 2011

My forever bestfriend.

Had once been close to him. But now, he belongs to someone else. Nevertheless, he will alwayss be my bestfriend.

Good luck 2 U dear Prince Owen.(^_^)

Thursday, July 7, 2011

I am...

Completed my 3 days of Effective Writing Skills course. Before we end our session, we were asked to write a poem entitled "I Am".

 I Am
I am (two special characteristics)
I wonder (something you are actually curious about)
I hear (an imaginary sound)
I see (an imaginary sight)
I want (an actual desire)
I am (the first line of the poem restated)

I pretend (something you pretend to do)
I feel (a feeling about something imaginary)
I touch (an imaginary touch)
I worry (something that really bothers you)
I cry (something that makes you very sad)
I am (the first line of the poem repeated)

I understand (something you know is true)
I say (something you believe in)
I dream (something you actually dream about)
I try (something you make an effort to do)
I hope (something you actually hope for)
I am (the first line of the poem repeated)

There are many ways to do this. For example:

 I Am
 I am sharp and focused
I wonder what the camera really sees
I hear the buzzing bee
I see flowers in early morning light
I want to stop time in a box
I am sharp and focused

I pretend to be a statue
I feel the shakes inside
I touch the shutter button
I worry about the blurry result
I cry that the moment has forever passed
I am sharp and focused

I understand moments in time
I say let's freeze them forever
I dream of watercolor effects coming to life
I try to see all the soft muted edges
I hope it happens someday
I am sharp and focused

We were only asked to complete 2 stanzas as the time left was limited. It was supposed to be fun. But mine end up like this: (T_T)

  I Am
 I am unique and independence of my mind
I wonder what people think of me when I voice my thoughts
I hear them mocking when I turn around
I see them looking at me differently because I disagree
I want to be accepted and treated the same
I am unique and independence of my mind

I pretend to be someone that I am not
I feel hurt not being able to be myself
I touch the sorrow in my heart
I worry too much about unimportant matters
I cry when people don't understand my thoughts
I am unique and independence of my mind

Better luck next time. (^__^)

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Effective Writing Skills

Starting from 4th till 6th July, I am attending a course in business writing. Yup, you read it right. I am learning skills in writing. Even I thought that sounded a bit weird. Don't I know how to write? Hehe...

The first thing Ms. Alby taught? Grammar.

Hehe... It made me realize just how weak my grammar was. Now is the time to fix it. (~_~)

Can't wait for our second session tomorrow.

Something to share from this course

Friday, June 24, 2011

Lagi2 Stress..... (^__^)

Stressed out....tired actually. The reason? Doing procurement through online system. Shouldn't it supposedly be helpful???? Making works easier? Arghhhh!!!!! HELP~~~

Had been several times already. Keep bringing tears in my eyes. It is stressful when what we are doing is not going as planned. Almost gave up every time. But, the truth is I don't want to. Why? Coz I love my job. With all my heart. I just need it to be less challenging. Less problem. Less headache to me. But then I guess, where is the thrill when there is no obstacles? Hurm.... quite true.

So, what should I do?

Just stay put and keep doing what I do best. Every experience is a teacher. Maybe one day I'll be grateful enough to have this experience.

Bla...bla...bla... THE END.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Malam Sabtu.

Beristirehat di rumah.

Masih tekun menjahit manik pada baju mak di ruang tamu belakang. Di bahagian hadapan, kedengaran riuh rendah penyokong Terengganu memberi komen perlawanan akhir dengan Kelantan. Lebih2 lagi Ki(my grandad).  Perlawanan dah masuk masa tambahan sebab player Kelantan- Daudsu x sengaja tanduk bola masuk dalam gol sendiri. Kedudukan sekarang 1-1.

Saat2 genting macam ni, macam2 komen yang keluar. Berdebar bila tgk peluang baik disia-siakan. Mama tiba2 bagi komen "Itu belum jadi coach lagi tuh". Hehe... Betul jugak. Kalau x, mesti player Terengganu dah kena leter. 

Apa agaknya kesudahan game arini? Kita tunggu dan lihat. 

0000hr (12/6/2011) - YEAY!!! GANU MENANG!!! (>__<)

Friday, June 10, 2011

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Arini saya penat.

Arini saya penat sikit.

Banyak keje kena buat.

Banyak LO kena luluskan.

Itu baru untuk direct purchase.

Sebut harga macamana?

Ingat hari ni nak habiskan cipta permintaan bida untuk perolehan bendera Malaysia.


Sekarang masa untuk balik.

Sambung esok la jawabnya.


Baiknya saya... (>_<)

Baiknya saya...

Walaupun banyak staff (kira banyak la untuk gred 41)
Saya tak kisah sharing2 buat keje
Berat sama dipikul, ringan sama dijinjing

Baiknya saya...

Staff nak cuti rehat? - OK
Staff nak pergi kursus? - OK
Staff nak outstation? - OK

Baiknya saya...

Jarang2 sekali amek cuti rehat
Suka betul menahan kesejukan dok kat opis
Demi tanggungjawab dan mencapai SKT

Akhir kata...

Nasib baiklah saya ada kerja
Saya suka kerja saya
Saya sayang kerja saya

Bersyukurlah saya diberi peluang bekerja sebab kesian orang lain yang takde kerja...
